Friday, September 5, 2008

First Assignment!

I love you, but, you have homework anyway.

Your first assignment is your "I AM" pack. The four papers that will be included in the packet are as follows:
1. Interest Inventory (in complete sentences, I AM an English teacher after all)
2. I Am... essay (tell me all about you... your favorite subject!!!lol)
3. "Life Moves Pretty Fast" essay (the importance of this quote at this stage n your life and other stages of your life)
4. Behavior essay (it only sounds like you're in trouble... this explains how you react in certain situation)

This will be ready for peer editing on Tuesday, final draft WITH PEER EDIT due Wednesday.

I can't wait to learn all about you!


Jason* said...

I hate this!

Do you know how much peanut butter I wasted trying to get Smitty to eat this homework? TWO CANS! I ended up bashing my brains in with the cans to save myself the torment of impersonating a Chicken soup poem.


Jason* said...

I don't know what to do! and I checked the website!!

Jason* said...

Boy this website is good for wasting time...

Jason* said...

Is number 2 the poem one? Wait you're probably not gonna check this at quarter to ten...gah! Darn you golf and PTSA night.

Jason* said...

Still working.....getting kindof late....

Jennifer Gumble said...

Poor Smitty. How about, "I am a vet; I feed and nurture my dog Smitty.

You'll be great, Jason. We have faith in you!

I will see you on Wednesday; please feel free to reach me here if you have any questions!

Jason* said...

Hey Mrs Thompson, I got one. I am a murderer, I over feed my dog peanut butter and ink. Even better, I am an asylum patient, all my english work drives me crazy.


Jennifer Gumble said...

Jason, I laugh so hard at your comments, people are starting to think this isn't WORK!!!

About Me

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Welcome DHS students! Here you will find all sorts of pertininet information regarding our class, including assignments, important dates, and upcoming events. I will be adding on to the blog I used for my 10th grade Honors, so feel free to go back and peruse some of the activities we did! Enjoy! :)