Hello, Honors Darlings!!!!
A few things, in case you missed them in class...
1. Your due dates for presenting your Exceedingly Awesome Novel Project are on the board in the classroom.... they are October 13, 14 and 15. Please be reminded that you are required to provide activities for your "students" as well, so each presentation should run between half and hour and forty-five minutes (NO, you WILL NOT be presenting for 45 minutes... we will have to complete your activities, and that time should be allotted, as well as going over the activities if need be. Don't get freaked out~ we do it every day. Please let me know if you need ideas for presentations. READ THE BOOK).
2. We will be going to the library on Wednesday, September 17. YAY!!! During this time, we will be taking STAR tests, checking out books and the like. PLEASE take your STAR test seriously, as this ( I have just decided) will be how I will judge AR points for book reports, late work, etc. I knew there was a way, I just had to find it.
3. I love you! You knew that already, though, didn't you!
Hey Mrs.Thompson Its Jenny. I am reading your blog. I have even added it to my list of watched blogs. I love the glass and can't wait to go to the library cause they wouldn't let me in this week :'( oh here is my blog http://jennysinsanity.blogspot.com/
Wait....so AR points will help our grade, but you will judge how many AR points we need based of our Star tests? does that mean if we do good on the test we need more AR points to get extra cred.?
That's not cool!
I hate school, last weekend was Mrs Thompson, now its Quanbeck. WHEN WILL IT END
Jason, the AR points are supposed to be individualized... so, if you are reading Fox in Socks, you won't be improving anything, see? It's a burden, I know, being smart. People expect things from you. Please see me if you really feel this is too much work.
I love school. School is fun. Q is fun!
Library Monday. Probably after lunch so we can read and explore for the remainder of the bell.
I hate it when people expect things of me.In all seriousness, I can barely meet my own expectations.
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