Friday, September 12, 2008

Yet another Library Update.

I think I am going to start giving extra credit for those of you that actually pay attention to this webpage. Or maybe I'll make assignments where you HAVE to comment back within, like, a week. Just to keep you honest.

That being said, here is an interesting tidbit. Remeber how we have always done pictures in the auditorium? Well, there's no room there this year. We will be taking pictures in the the library. ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th.

"Wait," you say, "Isn't that our STAR testing day?"

"Ah, yes, Sweet Child. So it is, so it is. We will be testing on Monday instead."

I know. It's a pain in the neck.

Remember, you should be able to take regular AR tests in the classroom, just not STAR.

Have a great weekend, loves. Be well, make good choices.


Jason* said...

I have a district golf tournament Wednesday, is there some other time I can take pictures Wednesday? (I leave at 9:30.) and do I need to get any work ahead of time?

Jennifer Gumble said...

Hmmm, they usually call by homerooms; talk to Mr. Conrow and see.

Remind me on Tuesday and I'll give you all your Wednesday stuff.

Best of luck to you and the golf team!!

My high school had a bowling team. WOW.

About Me

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Welcome DHS students! Here you will find all sorts of pertininet information regarding our class, including assignments, important dates, and upcoming events. I will be adding on to the blog I used for my 10th grade Honors, so feel free to go back and peruse some of the activities we did! Enjoy! :)