Tuesday, September 16, 2008

When I was in 10th grade...

Yeah, I know, we were sooo cool.

Okay, guys, seriously, an update on YOUR 10th grade Honors...

We're finishing Damon and Pythias in class today, and creating our own epitaph. You can click on the link for a definition. Please feel free to make your artisitc heart hapy with this project. For those of you that won't be in class because of sports, you probably remember the headstones hanging in the hallway last year. Be sure you are keeping up with your Exceedingly Awesome Novel Project as well.

Also, as October approaches, please be thinking of topics that you would like to research AND debate. Remember that you will not be handng in a traditional research paper (although you will have to have proper citations for all of your facts), instead you will be presenting in a debate-like setting. We will begin research around the 15th of October.

I will not be in school on Thursday, September 25 (professional training), or Tuesday, September 30 (Nicolas has a doctor's appointment at CHKD).

No making fun of the shorts in the picture. I swear it was cool!!!

Be good, make good choices, love you all....


Jennifer Rasmussen said...

I read it and wow mrs. we are going to have a very interesting time debating most of us get pretty heated pretty fast.

Jennifer Rasmussen said...

And no mrs. thompson In my Finance class he he he

Unknown said...

ahh im logged in on my brothers acount, oops! this is jason by the way, and I ment to say United rather than unified that second time.

alright maybe not china, but at last mongolia, no one lives there anyway but a few horses.

About Me

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Welcome DHS students! Here you will find all sorts of pertininet information regarding our class, including assignments, important dates, and upcoming events. I will be adding on to the blog I used for my 10th grade Honors, so feel free to go back and peruse some of the activities we did! Enjoy! :)