Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thursday, September 25

BE GOOD!!!! ;)
I am at a conference today at Central Office. You will be reading the newspaper, responding to an article, and working in your Exceedingly Awesome Novel Groups.
Stay dry today, Sweet Dears. It's a mess out there.
See you on Friday.
Mrs. Thompson

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Popsicle Sticks

Yes, Darling Honors Children, the Popsicle sticks are here.
What, exactly, do these funny little things mean? No, not that we are having a messy snack in class... you know how I feel about buggies and creepy crawlie thingies...iew.
If you receive a Popsicle stick during class, it means simply that you are not best utilizing the time given to you to complete your projects. We decided to start this when a few students came to me ad said there was too much work to do, between Honors English, AP History, other classes, sports, family obligations, boy/girl friends, lalalalalala. This way, we will all be made aware how well we use our time, myself included.
At the end of each week, we will count our sticks and see how well or how poorly time was managed.
I love you all. This is not a punishment; this is a tool.
Happy Early Dismissal!
How many of you are volunteering at the Seafood Fest next Wednesday? Just curious...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Champion Awesomologists

I have no post yet, but I wanted to make sure I had the title.

Actual credit of the phrase goes to Samantha Thomas. However, I wish to be a Champion Awesomologist, thusly, here it is.

These Champion Awesomologists were late, and the one in the back seems to think he should perch, rather than sit. LOL!

We've got spirit, yes we do,

We've got spirit, how 'bout you?

Of COURSE, I'm working, Mrs. Thompson!!

A picture is worth a THOUSAND words...

She smiles because she SO loves English!

When I was in 10th grade...

Yeah, I know, we were sooo cool.

Okay, guys, seriously, an update on YOUR 10th grade Honors...

We're finishing Damon and Pythias in class today, and creating our own epitaph. You can click on the link for a definition. Please feel free to make your artisitc heart hapy with this project. For those of you that won't be in class because of sports, you probably remember the headstones hanging in the hallway last year. Be sure you are keeping up with your Exceedingly Awesome Novel Project as well.

Also, as October approaches, please be thinking of topics that you would like to research AND debate. Remember that you will not be handng in a traditional research paper (although you will have to have proper citations for all of your facts), instead you will be presenting in a debate-like setting. We will begin research around the 15th of October.

I will not be in school on Thursday, September 25 (professional training), or Tuesday, September 30 (Nicolas has a doctor's appointment at CHKD).

No making fun of the shorts in the picture. I swear it was cool!!!

Be good, make good choices, love you all....

Friday, September 12, 2008

Yet another Library Update.

I think I am going to start giving extra credit for those of you that actually pay attention to this webpage. Or maybe I'll make assignments where you HAVE to comment back within, like, a week. Just to keep you honest.

That being said, here is an interesting tidbit. Remeber how we have always done pictures in the auditorium? Well, there's no room there this year. We will be taking pictures in the the library. ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th.

"Wait," you say, "Isn't that our STAR testing day?"

"Ah, yes, Sweet Child. So it is, so it is. We will be testing on Monday instead."

I know. It's a pain in the neck.

Remember, you should be able to take regular AR tests in the classroom, just not STAR.

Have a great weekend, loves. Be well, make good choices.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Due date for prjoect

Will that be ME??? LOL (see, on a website, in a friendly letter, it's essay? Not so much)!!!!

Hello, Honors Darlings!!!!

A few things, in case you missed them in class...

1. Your due dates for presenting your Exceedingly Awesome Novel Project are on the board in the classroom.... they are October 13, 14 and 15. Please be reminded that you are required to provide activities for your "students" as well, so each presentation should run between half and hour and forty-five minutes (NO, you WILL NOT be presenting for 45 minutes... we will have to complete your activities, and that time should be allotted, as well as going over the activities if need be. Don't get freaked out~ we do it every day. Please let me know if you need ideas for presentations. READ THE BOOK).

2. We will be going to the library on Wednesday, September 17. YAY!!! During this time, we will be taking STAR tests, checking out books and the like. PLEASE take your STAR test seriously, as this ( I have just decided) will be how I will judge AR points for book reports, late work, etc. I knew there was a way, I just had to find it.

3. I love you! You knew that already, though, didn't you!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Tuesday Septmber 9th

Remember, Dear Honors Children, that I will not be in class on Tuesday. I have a workshop to attend at Central Office. You are expected to behave as though I was in the classroom (or better). Please have your packet ready for peer review. You will have time in class to review, and time in class to work in your Exceedingly Awesome Novel Groups.
I am excited to read these papers on...uhm... Thursday. Gosh that seems like a long time.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Exceedingly Awesome Novel Project

The Exceedingly Awesome Novel Project
“Mrs. Thompson, why do we have to do group work?”

I’m glad you asked. Students often complain about group work but a clear and structured assignment allows students and instructors to take advantage of the computer classroom's unique capabilities. Class presentations encourage student participation and investment in course material; thus they make for a more intimate learning environment and more exciting class time. Student presentations dissolve the traditional, polarized instructor/class dialectic to allow class members to learn from one another and about one another. In addition, this assignment emphasizes the importance of confident and successful presentations to the majority of students' career choices, since oral presentation is a great skill that will be used life-long. This assignment grounds the importance of the group presentation to the students as individuals and as a class.

“Okay, so, what do you want us to do? Like, just tell about the novel?”

In a sense, you will tell about the novel. You will be presenting the novel in a thorough and meaningful manner, hitting on obvious topics, such as plot, setting, characters, climax and theme. In addition to that, you will present the following.
· Textual analysis, which is fairly open. You are largely free to pursue your own interests as long as presentations are grounded in a meaningful discussion of the relevant text.
· Historical, social or personal themes, as long as they advances your audience's knowledge of the novel in question [or] what literary critics have to say about the book and offer up these critiques for class discussion.
· Character analysis. Explain your main character and important minor characters to your audience.
· The relationship of one of the themes of your novel to our essential question, “What does it mean to live a worthy life?”

Don’t you just LOVE it when you get to be the teacher?

“So, should we do, like, a book talk?”

Yes, yes, but SO much more!! Because we are lucky enough to have five computers in the classroom, you may do this in a PowerPoint, you may work with your group in designing a website, or another form of presentation that will incorporate technology.

“Is that it? Seems kind of easy for Honors kids! We are SO going to ace this class! I can handle this and Quanbeck, no problem!”

Well, true, you can, with time management, attentiveness to task, and seriousness of purpose. Oh, and a healthy sense of humor!! You will also be responsible for four activities that correspond to your novel. You may create worksheets, quizzes, discussion groups, as long as it solidifies the points you made in your presentations, and your creative heart is kept happy.
I know it will be a good deal of work, but it will also be great fun.

Update on "Me" packet

Due to some team sport conflicts, the final drafts of your packets will be due on Thursday, September 11.
Monday we will go over the "Exceedingly Awesome Novel Project" and detail what your groups will be doing!
Enjoy Hannah!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

First Assignment!

I love you, but, you have homework anyway.

Your first assignment is your "I AM" pack. The four papers that will be included in the packet are as follows:
1. Interest Inventory (in complete sentences, I AM an English teacher after all)
2. I Am... essay (tell me all about you... your favorite subject!!!lol)
3. "Life Moves Pretty Fast" essay (the importance of this quote at this stage n your life and other stages of your life)
4. Behavior essay (it only sounds like you're in trouble... this explains how you react in certain situation)

This will be ready for peer editing on Tuesday, final draft WITH PEER EDIT due Wednesday.

I can't wait to learn all about you!

About Me

My photo
Welcome DHS students! Here you will find all sorts of pertininet information regarding our class, including assignments, important dates, and upcoming events. I will be adding on to the blog I used for my 10th grade Honors, so feel free to go back and peruse some of the activities we did! Enjoy! :)