Teacher: Mrs. Jennifer Thompson
Email: http://www.blogger.com/jthompson@ncps.k12.va.us
Web Page: http://tinksthinkplace.blogspot.com/
General Course Description:
English 10 Honors is an accelerated, college preparatory course designed to provide students with an understanding and appreciation for literature. Literature is combined with multiple education methods to improve students’ grammar, writing, vocabulary, public speaking and literary analysis skills.
Teacher Availability:
Teacher Availability:
Anytime I’m in the room!! However, please let me know if we need to schedule time for one-on-one instruction or conversation; I arrive at school early, stay late, & can eat lunch in my room if you need me.
Required Textbooks:
Required Materials: You must bring the following materials to class every day:
1. Current novel or free reading book
2. Interactive Notebook (lovingly referred to as IAN)
3. Pens, pencils, colored pencils.
4. An open mind and a good attitude
Grading: We will use the grading scale found in the Student Handbook. The following list shows the grade breakdown for this course:
SSR (free reading):20%
Quizzes: 10%
Homework: 10%
Unit Tests: 10%
Papers/Essays: 20%
Warm-Ups: 15%
Class Participation: 5%
Class Structure and Policy:
1. Homework: All homework will be posted daily and weekly on the class website as well as in class. Students are expected to make note of all short and long-term assignments on their calendars.
2. Writing: Written assignments should be typed. If they are handwritten, they MUST BE LEGIBLE. If I can’t read it, I can’t grade it.
3. Late Work: Assignments are due at the beginning of class. LATE WORK WILL LOSE 10 POINTS EACH DAY IT IS LATE. However, if you need a homework extension, you will receive more grace if you let me know ahead of time (ie. email me the night before if you are sick, etc.). Also, you MAY receive two homework coupons per quarter that can be used to turn in a completed assignment ONE day late. Use them wisely!
4. Absences: You are responsible for getting the information you missed by contacting a classmate or scheduling an appointment with me. Make-up work will be allowed for excused absences only (1 day for 1 excused absence, 2 days for 2 consecutive excused absences, etc.).
5. Cheating: Oh boy, you know what this means. Just don’t do it! If you copy a student’s work, copy from other sources without proper citation, or cheat in any other form, you will receive a zero and a referral.
Conduct Policy for My Classroom
~ Respect is key:
*Be in class with your materials when the bell rings (both arms, both legs inside the door). I respect you by coming to class prepared to teach everyday; please show the same respect by coming prepared and on time.
*Respect fellow classmates. My classroom is a place where everyone’s participation and input is valued!
*Respect school rules and property.
* Respect my authority. If a student disagrees with my actions or a grade, he/she should speak to me after class. This is the most dignified and mature way to handle a problem.
~ Students must come to class prepared to give 100%. Your effort in class directly affects your participation grade.
~ Students are not allowed to be out of their seats without permission. Please do not sharpen pencils while I am speaking.
~ Students must remain seated at the end of class until excused by me.
~Students are not to ask to use the restroom the first or last 10 minutes of class. If I feel that you are abusing your restroom privileges, you will no longer be allowed to utilize the restroom. Does this even need to be said in a 10 grade Honors class?
Discipline Policy Since this won’t happen anyway…
*First Offense= verbal warning
*Second Offense= meeting with me after class
*Third Offense= call home and meeting with me after school
*Fourth Offense= referral
**I reserve the right to issue a referral and dismiss any student from my class who is openly defiant, or displays inappropriate behavior that is offensive or rude, even if it is the first offense.
Personal Note: I am thrilled to be your teacher this year! Our goal, as a class, is to improve the way we learn and treat one another. Therefore, we must always strive to keep positive attitudes, open minds, and remember that we are all people. Please feel free to come to me with any questions, frustrations, or concerns. My hope is that you will walk away from this class with a greater love for literature and a deeper sense of gratitude.
Thank you for your participation!
Jennifer Thompson
“Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil.” CS. Lewis
This page must be signed by English 10 Honors student and Parent/Guardian and returned on the second day of class. It is a homework assignment.
I have read and understand the course syllabus for English 10 Honors and acknowledge my responsibilities for the course.
Student full name (print)
Student full name (signature and date)
I have read and understand the course syllabus for English 10 Honors and acknowledge my student’s responsibilities for the course.
Parent/Guardian name (print)
Parent/Guardian name (signature and date)
Required Textbooks:
Required Materials: You must bring the following materials to class every day:
1. Current novel or free reading book
2. Interactive Notebook (lovingly referred to as IAN)
3. Pens, pencils, colored pencils.
4. An open mind and a good attitude
Grading: We will use the grading scale found in the Student Handbook. The following list shows the grade breakdown for this course:
SSR (free reading):20%
Quizzes: 10%
Homework: 10%
Unit Tests: 10%
Papers/Essays: 20%
Warm-Ups: 15%
Class Participation: 5%
Class Structure and Policy:
1. Homework: All homework will be posted daily and weekly on the class website as well as in class. Students are expected to make note of all short and long-term assignments on their calendars.
2. Writing: Written assignments should be typed. If they are handwritten, they MUST BE LEGIBLE. If I can’t read it, I can’t grade it.
3. Late Work: Assignments are due at the beginning of class. LATE WORK WILL LOSE 10 POINTS EACH DAY IT IS LATE. However, if you need a homework extension, you will receive more grace if you let me know ahead of time (ie. email me the night before if you are sick, etc.). Also, you MAY receive two homework coupons per quarter that can be used to turn in a completed assignment ONE day late. Use them wisely!
4. Absences: You are responsible for getting the information you missed by contacting a classmate or scheduling an appointment with me. Make-up work will be allowed for excused absences only (1 day for 1 excused absence, 2 days for 2 consecutive excused absences, etc.).
5. Cheating: Oh boy, you know what this means. Just don’t do it! If you copy a student’s work, copy from other sources without proper citation, or cheat in any other form, you will receive a zero and a referral.
Conduct Policy for My Classroom
~ Respect is key:
*Be in class with your materials when the bell rings (both arms, both legs inside the door). I respect you by coming to class prepared to teach everyday; please show the same respect by coming prepared and on time.
*Respect fellow classmates. My classroom is a place where everyone’s participation and input is valued!
*Respect school rules and property.
* Respect my authority. If a student disagrees with my actions or a grade, he/she should speak to me after class. This is the most dignified and mature way to handle a problem.
~ Students must come to class prepared to give 100%. Your effort in class directly affects your participation grade.
~ Students are not allowed to be out of their seats without permission. Please do not sharpen pencils while I am speaking.
~ Students must remain seated at the end of class until excused by me.
~Students are not to ask to use the restroom the first or last 10 minutes of class. If I feel that you are abusing your restroom privileges, you will no longer be allowed to utilize the restroom. Does this even need to be said in a 10 grade Honors class?
Discipline Policy Since this won’t happen anyway…
*First Offense= verbal warning
*Second Offense= meeting with me after class
*Third Offense= call home and meeting with me after school
*Fourth Offense= referral
**I reserve the right to issue a referral and dismiss any student from my class who is openly defiant, or displays inappropriate behavior that is offensive or rude, even if it is the first offense.
Personal Note: I am thrilled to be your teacher this year! Our goal, as a class, is to improve the way we learn and treat one another. Therefore, we must always strive to keep positive attitudes, open minds, and remember that we are all people. Please feel free to come to me with any questions, frustrations, or concerns. My hope is that you will walk away from this class with a greater love for literature and a deeper sense of gratitude.
Thank you for your participation!
Jennifer Thompson
“Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil.” CS. Lewis
This page must be signed by English 10 Honors student and Parent/Guardian and returned on the second day of class. It is a homework assignment.
I have read and understand the course syllabus for English 10 Honors and acknowledge my responsibilities for the course.
Student full name (print)
Student full name (signature and date)
I have read and understand the course syllabus for English 10 Honors and acknowledge my student’s responsibilities for the course.
Parent/Guardian name (print)
Parent/Guardian name (signature and date)
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